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Хоррор картинки

Дэвид Ричсон: Все просто: выкладываем, обсуждаем. Просьба не кидать сразу кучу рисунков\фото

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Марина Ёжикова: эти нравятся)

Алек Блэк: А как вам это? Называется "Триптих".

Марина Ёжикова: тоже круто)

Дэвид Ричсон: Марина Ёжикова пишет: эти нравятся)последние прикольные Алек Блэк пишет: Называется "Триптих". ммм, круто... а какое его значение?

Алек Блэк: Значение ?

Дэвид Ричсон: Алек Блэк пишет: Значение ?ну похоже на какой то ритуал, да еще и название... Алек Блэк пишет: Называется "Триптих". вики говорит вот что - http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Триптих но эта картина не подходит под определение

Алек Блэк: Нет это не тот Триптих :) Сейчас найду...

Алек Блэк: World of Darkness Geist - The Sin Eaters The Triptych Много текста на английском. Quote: You. Will. Not. Continue. Into. My. Domain. Your. Friends. Are. Already. Doomed. Background: Since before anyone can remember, the Dominion of An-Shot-Ka has had its laws enforced by the Triptych. A deep cavern five rivers into the Lower Mysteries, An-Shot-Ka is a place of ancient buildings, long abandoned and falling into ruin. Some shades travel to the Dominion in search of the secrets said to be hidden deep within the lowest levels of the buildings. That’s no easy task; something about the structures doesn’t seem right; there’s not a single right-angle in any of the buildings and long corridors seem to pass through one another. The shades that inhabit An-Shot-Ka have set up shanty-towns in some of the larger halls, but others press on in search of their final reward — or endless oblivion. They all shy from the Triptych’s gaze when it patrols the Dominion. The Three-in-One has enforced the Old Laws for as long as anyone can remember. It’s a stern, implacable foe, for within its Dominion it is seemingly all-powerful. Sin-Eaters often need the secrets hidden within An-Shot-Ka. One krewe believes that somewhere deep within the ruins is a set of stone tablets known as the Black Codex that describes a way to open a pathway between the Underworld and the lands beyond. Other Sin-Eaters may have darker motives behind their search for the secrets, including punishment from other Kerberoi who are jealous of the Triptych’s store of knowledge — as much as any primordial embodiment of laws can be considered “jealous.” An old ghost in An-Shot-Ka claims to have seen the Triptych smile. Normally, that wouldn’t be anything notable — some shades will claim anything to convince a Sin-Eater to break one of the laws — but he swears blind that five hundred years ago, it smiled and it let a krewe of Sin-Eaters go. He can’t remember why or how or what happened; he was too busy running in fear. Needless to say, that hasn’t happened since. The shades that call An-Shot-Ka home cower whenever someone says the Triptych’s name, and in its presence they all can’t wait to leave. Unfortunately, the Old Laws prevent them from leaving; once someone’s in the Kerberos’ domain, they either stay there or face it’s wrath. While originally it only enforced the Old Laws, time has shifted the Triptych’s priorities. Now, it conceives of itself as the guardian of the secrets of An-Shot-Ka. It doesn’t know what those secrets are, only that they have to remain within the boundaries of the Dominion. Unlike other Kerberoi, the Triptych has set itself up as the lord of An-Shot-Ka, a tyrant who punishes those who break the Old Laws in such a way as to set an example. Description: The Triptych is a rarity among Kerberoi: its form shows obvious human influences. Three human bodies, each over eight feet tall and thin but not malnourished, stand facing each other. Their arms blend into each other, forming a rough triangle between the three. The three heads are normally bowed, with eyes closed and deep purple robes in place of hair. Its skin is the purple of an old bruise, fading to black where its bones press against the surface. The Triptych doesn’t walk. It hovers about five inches above the ground, and can glide faster than most men can run. Its legs hang useless beneath it, bound tight by black chains that bite deep into the useless flesh. The ends of each chain dangle limp on the floor, until the Triptych wants to reach out and touch something — the chains are its limbs, the human forms no more than a distraction to house the bizarre creature’s torso. When the Triptych wants to speak, each head rises and turns around until it faces out, accompanied by the sound of tearing muscle and cracking bones. All six eyes blaze with a sickly yellow light. It’s voice sounds like thick blocks of lead slamming together, each word spoken from one mouth in turn giving a disjointed sound to its pronouncements. As it speaks, sparks crackle across the chains wrapped around its legs and the air smells of ozone. Only when something has really angered it — perhaps by desecrating the Old Laws of An-Shot-Ka — the chains grow terribly hot, burning the flesh underneath. Within minutes, the Triptych’s body starts to blister and burn as the air superheats. The ends of each chain snake out, looking to drag the transgressor into the inner-space. A ghost who is caught bursts into flame, and burns for all eternity. Some of the corpse-lights that litter the Underworld are the remains of ghosts (and rumor has, at least one Sin-Eater) who crossed the Triptych. Storytelling Hints: The Triptych is an oddity in the Lower Mysteries, something that should challenge assumptions about the role a Kerberos plays in its realm. Most don’t pay any attention to the inhabitants of their Dominions — as long as they don’t break the laws, at least. In stark contrast to those Kerberoi, the Triptych takes an active role somewhere between an uncaring lord and an attentive god. It cares what shades and Sin-Eaters do in An-Shot-Ka. Mostly, it disapproves of those delving into the strange edifices looking for secrets, but it doesn’t actively stop them. Only when one tries to export what she’s found does it take an interest, and it displays something else that most Kerberoi don’t have time for: real, powerful anger. Breaking the Old Laws isn’t just a crime, the Triptych seems to take it as a personal slight. Anyone might see the Triptych. It glides through its Dominion almost at random, chains dragging on the ground. Sometimes, it follows someone. Nobody quite knows why, but just occasionally a ghost will admit that he had considered breaking the rules. Others who have attracted the Kerberos’ attentions have later gone on to discover terrible secrets. It’s the mysterious watcher, the lord peering over the shoulders of his peasants without ever knowing what they’re doing or why. Sometimes, it hovers at the banks of one of the rivers, seemingly dreaming of other Dominions. Nobody’s yet been brave enough to try to engage it in conversation; if it did respond then the pronouncements might reveal a truth about the nature of Kerberoi — or at least about the nature of the Triptych itself. Fully 20 Old Laws govern the Dominion of An-Shot-Ka, the only recognizable words among the hieroglyphs and strange inscriptions carved on the walls of every building. Only a few are detailed below, the others are left for the Storyteller to define. Secrets discovered within this • Dominion cannot be removed. • You may not carry anything of this Dominion with you if you wish to leave. • The buildings are sacred. Nobody may use violence within their walls. • Only flames lit by the Triptych may burn in this Dominion. • You must memorize what you find if you search for secrets. Attributes: Power 15, Finesse 12, Resistance 13 Willpower: 28 Virtue: Hope. For all it punishes those who break the law, the Triptych really does believe that there’s something else to existence, possibly even a chance to leave An-Shot-Ka. Vice: Wrath. Those within its Dominion don’t understand the freedom they have, and must be punished for squandering it. Initiative: 25 Defense: 15 Speed: 37 Corpus: 18 Essence/per Turn: 50/5 Keys: Pyre-Flame, Phantasmal Manifestations: Rage 3, Boneyard 2, Oracle 2, Curse 1 Numina: Compulsion (27 dice), Dominion Sense (27 dice), Enforcement (27 dice), Ghost Speech • Sinuous Chains: The Triptych’s chains allow it to strike at two foes at once, without any penalty. The chains can grapple using the Kerberos’ Power. Due to their tangling and insubstantial nature, the chains cannot be overpowered (see the World of Darkness Rulebook p. 157 for more information). Attacks: Type Damage Dice Pool Chain Lash 2 (L) 29

Дэвид Ричсон: Это из ролевки настольной)

Алек Блэк: Ну да

Дэвид Ричсон:

Алек Блэк:

Джорджиана Грейсфул: Художник: Ник Майлз

Иден Вескер: Джорджиана Грейсфул, Жуть о_О

Велиан Форсайт: Иден Вескер, Нет, то что я сейчас спрятал за двумя замками есть настоящая жуть, а то что было до этого, так, радостные и солнечные картинки для детей. Впечатлительным и слабонервным не смотреть! Особенно касается детей и беременных женщин, я лишь умываю руки, в лучших традициях Понтия Пилата! И пусть тот, кто не считает это хоррор-картинкой, первым кинет в меня камнем!

Джорджиана Грейсфул: Велиан Форсайт, Меня поразила девушка справа. У меня такое же выражение, когда я смотрю на что-то очень вкусное Колумбийский художник Marcela Bolivar - классное творчество . Прямо в тему =) Иллюстратор Jeffrey Thomas - страшные анимашки

Алек Блэк: А я бы посоветовал почитать-посмотреть этот комикс http://grim.snafu-comics.com/?comic_id=0 Тема приключения ГГ сын Смерти и Мэнди из "Смертельные приключения Билли и Мэнди" и его сестры в стране Хелоуина Тима Бартона из "Кошмар перед Рождеством". Качественный комикс и сюжет прикольный :)

Дэвид Ричсон: Алек Блэк пишет: этот комикс http://grim.snafu-comics.com/?comic_id=0мне почему то не нравится такое... все как то мультяшно и уж очень несерьезно (ИМХО)

Дэвид Ричсон: не то, чтобы страшная...

Велиан Форсайт: Специально для Девида Ричсона и Иден Вескер: Очень страшная картинка

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